We appreciate your interest in attending Dragon Con as an Attending Artist. Please complete this form in order to start the process to confirm Comic and Pop Artist Alley space. This form is an application for the 2025 Dragon Con show only. In our continuing effort to maintain a diverse and exciting lineup of creators in Comics and Pop Art, we jury each applicant before offering a space for purchase. NO guarantees are made in regard to space on the Comic and Pop Artist Alley.

IMPORTANT NOTES: (please read)

Artist Information

  Work Phone:   Cell Phone:    
  Email:   Website/Platform:    

Art Information


Floor Space Options

Artist Table
  • These folding tables are six feet long and thirty inches wide with two chairs.
  • These tables are in various locations within the interior of the Comic and Pop Artist Alley.
  • Electricity is NOT INCLUDED with this space request. You may purchase one or more additional electrical plugs below.
  • Includes ONE membership to the Convention for the attending artist.
  • ONE additional membership may be purchased for $110.00.


Artist Alley Booth
(Interior Booth)

  • This Artist Alley Booth is eight feet wide by ten feet deep with a table six feet long and thirty inches wide including two chairs.
  • Electricity is NOT INCLUDED with this space request. You may purchase one or more additional electrical plugs below.
  • Includes TWO memberships to the Convention for the attending artist.
  • TWO additional memberships may be purchased for $110.00 each.


Artist Alley Booth
(End Cap)

  • This Artist Alley Booth is eight feet wide by ten feet deep with two tables six feet long by thirty inches wide set up in an"L"format including two chairs.
  • Electricity is NOT INCLUDED with this space request. You may purchase one or more additional electrical plugs below.
  • Includes TWO memberships to the Convention for the attending artist.
  • TWO additional memberships may be purchased for $110.00 each.


Other Options

Electricity Fee
(per plug)

  • Dedicated 120 Volt/500 Watt/20 Amp Service


Table/Booth Notes

Please list any notes you would like considered in placement of tables or booths in Comic and Pop Artist Alley (i.e. same space as last year, please sit me next to a specific artist, place me near column, etc.)

Badge Information

Each table purchased includes one membership and each booth includes two memberships at no additional charge.

Comic and Pop Artist Alley space requests include a limited number of additional convention memberships available for purchase (see chart below) in addition to those you receive at no additional charge. You may purchase these additional memberships during your initial application submission.

Space Request:Included Memberships:Additional Memberships at $110.00 each:
Artist Table11 ONLY
Artist Booth22 ONLY

Number of additional badges to be purchased at reduced $110.00 rate:

Please include name and contact information for ALL membership(s) you are requesting, including both those that are complimentary with your purchase (one per table and two per booths) and the additional memberships you wish to purchase at the $110.00 rate based on the above allowances, under the Membership Notes section below.

Please note: If you are not sure of the names at this time, please send them via email to jameyreeves@dragoncon.org. If names are not received prior to August 1, 2025, generic badges will be printed. Additionally, all membership requests above the permitted number of additional memberships listed above will be charged at the current applicable Convention Rate

Membership Notes

Additional Name
  Cell Phone:   Email:    

Additional Name
  Cell Phone:   Email:    

Additional Name
  Cell Phone:   Email:    

Additional Name
  Cell Phone:   Email:    


Payment Methods
Credit Card Payment Method:

Call the Dragon Con office (M-F 9am-5pm EST)
Once your space request has been approved.

Check Payment Method:

Dragon Con Comic and Pop Artist Alley
P.O. Box 16459
Atlanta, GA 30321 -0459

Make all checks payable to "Dragon Con".


FLOOR SPACE: Comic and Pop Artist Alley floor space is intended for the appearance of artists wishing to greet fans for autographing, sketching, and the sale of comics, prints, art toys, and original artwork. If you feel your appearance does not warrant a full time table, you can inquire about signing times within Comic and Pop Artist Alley. All inquiries about floor space and space request approvals should be emailed to jameyreeves@dragoncon.org.

ATTENDANCE POLICY FOR ARTISTS: In order to ensure attendee satisfaction, artists agree to remain set up at their table or provide suitable representation during the hours of operation of Comic and Pop Artist Alley. NO early breakdown is allowed without the prior consent of Dragon Con. Tables not occupied by 12:00 p.m. on opening day of the convention without prior consent from Dragon Con are subject to forfeiture and may be released without refund to another artist without further notice. Tables that are left unoccupied for an unreasonable amount of time during hours of operation of Comic and Pop Artist Alley without prior consent from Dragon Con will be placed under review and future requests for floor space may not be granted. Attending artists agree to meet the daily closing times of Comic and Pop Artist Alley to the best of their ability. Table layouts of Comic and Pop Artist Alley have been approved by the Atlanta Fire Marshals and cannot be moved without approval from the Director of Comic and Pop Artist Alley. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Failure to comply with this rule may result in the loss of your space onsite at any time without refund at the discretion of Dragon Con.

WAITING LIST: Applicants who have submitted an application form and passed Jury, but do not receive floor space in Comic and Pop Artist Alley due to a sold out status, may request to be placed on a waiting list in the event of a last minute cancellation. Waiting list applicants will be notified of availability of floor space as soon as possible. All applicants must have submitted an application form and have a valid method of payment ready to be processed. Upon notification of an available space and agreement by the applicant, they have five business days to pay once their space request has been approved (Please see the Payment Methods Section above for details).

LIABILITY: The artist/agent agrees to release, defend and hold harmless Dragon Con, their agents and employees from and against any losses, costs, damages, liability, or expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of, or resulting from any accident, bodily injury, property loss or damage or other occurrences to any person or persons including the artist, their agents, employees, and guests, arising out of, or resulting from the artist's/agent's use and occupancy of the exhibit area at the Atlanta Convention Center at AmericasMart or any part thereof. Dragon Con will take every reasonable precaution, but the ultimate responsibility for the artwork remains with the artist/agent.

FURTHER: The artist/agent shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property. The artist/agent agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Atlanta Convention Center at AmericasMart, its owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries, and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from the artist's/agent's use of the property. The artist's/agent's liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from, or out of, or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the artist, their agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the artist's occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, Atlanta Convention Center at AmericasMart or any part thereof.

Double check your application before you save it. Once you save this application, an email will be sent to you from no_reply_mail at dragoncon.org, confirming the application was received.

If you have problems with the application please contact jameyreeves@dragoncon.org.

Application Code: Write down the below confirmation code and type it in the field below.
  251721201002 =>


For any questions about Comic and Pop Artist Alley, including space request approvals, membership requests as well as total space and/or membership costs, please contact jameyreeves@dragoncon.org. While the Director is willing to answer questions by e-mail, any payments due from the artist MUST be called in or mailed into the Dragon Con office, once space requests have been approved, within five business days to guarantee your space.

Phone: 404-669-0773

E-mail: dragoncon@dragoncon.org