2025-03-28 2025-07-19

Welcome to the annual Dragon Awards! A way to recognize excellence in all the fun things we follow at Dragon Con. These awards are by the fans, for the fans, and are your chance to reward those who have made real contributions to books, games, comics, movies and shows. There is no qualification for submitting nominations or voting – no convention fees or other memberships are needed. The only requirement is that you register, confirm your email address for tracking nominations and voting purposes, and agree to the rules. This ensures that all votes count equally. Please, as stated in the rules, one vote per person please.

Once you have submitted a nomination for a category you cannot change it. If you are not sure about a category, it can be left blank. You can come back at a later date and add nominations for any category you leave blank using this same form. Make sure your name (First and Last), and the email address match your original submission. No need to fill in your original nominations, the form will append the new nominations to your prior list.

Nomination Deadline: July 19 of every year.

IMPORTANT NOTES: (please read)


  First: *   Last:   *  
  Email: *   Email Confirmation: *  

Check to verify you want to submit nominations and register for the Dragon Awards voting process.*

Please make sure you provide the requested information for your nominations. You can hover over the to learn more about the category, or Click Here.

Best Science Fiction Novel

What is the best and most outstanding science fiction novel you have read in the last year, one that you would tell your friends to read?

Put both the name of the book and the author.

Qualifying is any book that is at least 70,000 words long, containing a single story (no anthologies), and has been first released in print or ebook format between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025 containing and based upon scientific or science and engineering premises or technology. Release date is shown on the verso, legal information page, at the front of the book. A book may have more than one release date if it comes out in different formats.

Best Fantasy Novel (Including Paranormal)

What is the best and most outstanding novel featuring magic or mythic creatures that you have read in the last year, one that you would tell your friends to read?

Put both the name of the book and the author.

Qualifying is any book that is at least 70,000 words long, containing a single story (no anthologies), and has been first released in print or ebook format between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025 containing and based upon magic, gods, demons, ghosts, paranormal events, or mythic creatures. Release date is shown on the verso, legal information page, at the front of the book. A book may have more than one release date if it comes out in different formats.

Best Young Adult/Middle Grade Novel

What is the best and most outstanding novel for young adults, ages 12 to 18, that you have read in the last year, one that you would recommend for all teenagers to read?

Put both the name of the book and the author.

Qualifying is Any book written for readers ages 12 to 18 that is at least 45,000 words long, containing a single story (no anthologies), and has been first released in print or ebook format between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025 containing significant science fiction or fantasy elements.

Best Alternate History Novel

What is the best and most outstanding novel whose story takes place in a world that did not happen, but could have been, so is an alternative to the world as we know it that you have read in the last year, one that you would tell your friends to read?

Put both the name of the book and the author.

Qualifying is any book that is at least 70,000 words long, containing a single story (no anthologies), and has been first released in print or ebook format between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025 whose story is set in a variant future or past universe including those with steam powered technology.

Best Horror Novel

What is the best and most outstanding novel whose story is based upon horrific elements that you have read in the last year, one that you would tell your friends to read?

Put both the name of the book, the author , and publisher.

Qualifying book featuring and primarily based upon one or more horrific elements that is at least 70,000 words long, containing a single story (no anthologies), and has been first released in print or ebook format between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025.

Best Illustrative Book Cover

What is the best illustrative book cover for a qualifying work of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Alternate History or Horror Novel first released in print or electronic format.

Put the name of the artist and the book title and format (eg paperback).

Qualifying is any book cover that has been released in print or electronic format between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025.

Best Comic Book or Graphic Novel

What is the best comic, comic book series or graphic novel you have read in the last year, one that you would tell your friends to read?

Put the name of the book, the author name, and publisher.

Qualifying is any publication that contains illustrated story in traditional comic book format (non-animated) that is at least 20 pages long with a consistent set of characters, premises and series title that appears at least four times per year for a comic book and at least one volume for a graphic novel and has been first released in print or electronic format between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025.

Best Science Fiction or Fantasy TV Series, TV or Internet

What is the best TV or internet series you have watched and enjoyed over the last year? Nominate a series as a whole, not a single episode.

Put the name of the show, and where the show can be found. (CW, ABC, Netflix, YouTube, HBO, etc)

Qualifying is any series of media (video and sound) presentations of which no less than four related episodes have appeared between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025 which featuring continuing cast or characters, plot elements, and series name presented in any medium.

Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Movie

What is the best theatrical, TV, or internet movie you have watched and enjoyed over the last year?

Put both the name of the movie and director.

Qualifying is any single presentation of a story featuring fantasy or science fiction elements no shorter than 74 minutes run time that is not part of any continuing series (movie sequels can be included here) which was first was shown in television, in theaters, or over the internet between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025.

Best Digital Game

What is the best, absolute most fun to play and look at new digital game using a predominantly electronic piece of equipment that you played in the last year?

Please indicate both the name of the game, and game company.

The game can be solo, multi-player, online and may or may not require an internet connection. The game should have been first released between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025.

Best Tabletop Game

What is the best predominantly non-electronic game that you have played with or would recommend to your friends. This can be any type of game or game rules set.

Put both the name of the game, and game company or creator.

Qualifying is any predominantly non-electronic game for any number of players whose central game play element is using physical pieces which was first released between 7/1/2024 and 6/30/2025.

Double check your Dragon Awards nominations before you submit them. Double check the release date, and the other Important Notes above to make sure you nominations do not get disqualified. Once you submit this request your nominations will be uploaded. If this is your first time submitting nominations for the year you will receive an email from dcawards [at] dragoncon [dot] org, asking you to confirm your email address.

If you have problems with the Dragon Awards nomination form please contact dcawards [at] dragoncon [dot] org.

Nomination Code: Write down the below code and type it in the field below.
  250502012803 => *