Welcome to the annual Dragon Awards! A way to recognize excellence in all things Science Fiction and Fantasy. These awards are by the fans, for the fans, and are your chance to reward those who have made real contributions to SF, books, games, comics, and shows. There is no qualification for voting – no convention fees or other memberships are needed. The only requirement is that you register, confirm your email address for voting purposes, and agree to the rules. This ensures that all votes count equally.

You may register to receive a ballot until 11:59 (EDT) on the Friday of Dragon Con

IMPORTANT NOTES: (please read)


  First: *   Last:   *  
  Email: *   Email Confirmation: *  

Check to verify you want to sign up for the Dragon Con Award voting process. *
Check to be automatically renewed for future Dragon Award voting processes.

Double check your Fan Award Request before you save it. Once you save this request, an email will be sent to you from no_reply_mail [at] dragoncon [dot] org, confirming the application was received.

If you have problems with the request form please contact dcawards [at] dragoncon [dot] org.

Request Code: Write down the below code and type it in the field below.
  250154101403 => *


2025-03-14 10:54:01